RelyLocal Declares: Independent’s Day! Celebrating Local Businesses on July 4th!
Jun 10
Yes, we know how to spell “Independence” and what makes this country so great! But, what about all of the “Independent” merchants out there who also deserve to be celebrated for their contribution to our communities and way of life?
YOU ARE INVITED! : Independent’s Day – July 4, 2011
Your summer spending can have a huge impact on your local economy! Spend your money where it counts this year and support the INDEPENDENT local businesses who support your community!
Buying a book to take to the beach?
– Shop with your local book store!
Need some aloe vera for that sun burn?
– Check with your local pharmacy!
Buying gas for a family road trip?
– Support your local gas stations!
Looking for the perfect place for dinner and drinks with friends?
– There are plenty of fantastic local restaurants in your area – right?
So, please do us a little favor:
1. Show your support for local business by “liking” this idea on Facebook
2. Attend the virtual event on July 4 (everybody is invited)!
3. Please share this with your friends and family! We’d love to show the small business community how much we all care!
(There isn’t an actual event. However, your attendance is just a signal of support and solidarity for your local businesses!)